Shower Plumbing Repair
The importance of shower plumbing repair: Taking a shower is always refreshing and refills your stamina. You wake up in the morning and you want to take a quick shower before work to help you also to wake up? Or after a hard day at work, all you think when you come back home is to go under the shower? Taking a shower is one of the main needs every day. In any case, problems may occur with shower plumbing. Sooner or later, something will break down, after being used multiple times per day. Low pressure, leaks, no hot water, are issues which everybody at some point have experienced, and they can annoy you every time when you have a shower until you have it sorted.

Our plumbing company will help you to repair all kinds of shower problems.
Plumbing shower repair. Do it yourself:
What is the problem you are facing with your shower? Most of the times are small problems, but because you have not a single clue how it works, you call straight away a professional, who will come 5 minutes, give you a diagnosis of the problem and at the same time the choice of repair (if possible) or replacement. And of course, at that time you need to be at home, change your schedule etc.. On the other side, you might think: should I try myself? What if I make it worse? You won’t find out till you try. Most of you have some basic tools at home, like screwdrivers, Allen wrenches and a pair of pliers. It may save you the precious time of your day, money and at the end of the day you can learn something new. We are here to provide simple ways to repair the shower, and if the problem is more complicated, we are happy to help you. Please continue reading and you may find your problem which you have to deal with and you can find the answer how to fix it by yourself.
Shower valve plumbing repair:
One of the main issues in the shower is having a problem with the hot water. However, before you start anything you need to check the rest of the taps in the house. If they don’t provide hot water, then you have a problem with the house hot water supply. If they do, however, then is the problem with the valve which you are turning the hot water on. That means that inside the valve, some part has been damaged and probably needs replacing. Before you start any work make sure you cut off the central water supply. It can become very nasty and dangerous if you don’t. The water pressure in the pipes can be much higher than what comes out in the shower head. So safety always comes first. Use a screwdriver to unscrew reverse-clockwise the screw at the bottom of the handle. After removing the screw, the handle should come out easily. Then you will see two or three screws attached on the plate which holds the base on the wall and one screw in the middle which hold some smaller parts. Unscrew them also and remove the plate. Make sure you remember in what order you have taken them off. An easy way to remember is to place them in a row one by one, left to right. So when is the time you put them back on, you pick them from the right to the left. Once you have taken off the base you will see inside the wall the cartridge. Remove the clip which holds the cartridge in place and take it off by using a pair of pliers. This is the part that usually is causing the problem with the hot water in the shower and needs replacing. Make sure you have an identical one that properly fits in. Place the new cartridge and put it back at its place and reassemble valve back in. Be careful so you don’t drop any parts behind the wall. This should have fixed the hot water problem you had. If you have still hot water issues, contact us and we will gladly be of further assistance to you.
Shower repair. Plumber or electrician?
Do you have an electric shower at home? An electric shower is very useful since you don’t need to use the boiler for hot water. However, is not working and need professional help. After all, is not something you should try to fix by yourself, because it applies water in an electric circuit. If something goes wrong can be fatal for you or anyone who will use the shower. So, you are thinking who should be able to do it. Plumber or electrician? You are in dilemma. Plumber, because it is a problem with the shower. But at the same time, it runs with electricity. Both of those professions are able to do the job. However, not every plumber or every electrician is able to do it. In both cases, a part P Certificate must be carried. It proves that the person who will carry out the work is able to test it and make it safe for the people, in order to prevent electric shock or the cause of a fire at home. So when the electric shower is repaired, it should be tested by the certified person that is safe. That’s why you don’t want to play with this. From one side, finding a plumber with a part P certificate might be challenging, but on the other, an electrician will carry out the task just fine. After all, every registered electrician should carry a part P certificate, to be able to meet with the building regulations. For any further questions on this matter, contact us and we will be happy to answer them for you.
Shower faucet plumbing problems and repair:
What can go wrong with the faucet in the shower? One of the main problems is that it can get stuck in the place and not being able to turn it. This is the cause of a long time used, hardness in water or even rust. In order to fix this problem, you need to have a deeper look inside the faucet. Every faucet is different but the way has been constructed is almost the same. Before you start doing anything, make sure you cut off the water supply. Once the water has been cut off, you can work on the shower faucet. Most common is that under the faucet is a small hole, where you can fit an Allen wrench. Use the right Allen wrench to unscrew the Allen screws, by moving it reverse-clockwise. Be careful not to drop them down the drain otherwise, you won’t be able to recover unless you have a magnetic screwdriver to pick them up. So just for a tip: Plug the hole. Once you take out the handle, check if the extending metal part by using a pair of pliers where the handle fits in can move. If that part can move easily then the part inside the handle is broken and probably needs replacing. If it is hard to move, use some lubrication oil to see if you can unblock it. If you have no lubrication oil at the time, any kitchen oil might help you. Check if it works. If it worked, have a look for rusty parts around. By using a metal sponge clean the rusty parts around and wipe them off with a dry old cloth. Reassemble the handle back in. If this doesn’t work also, then the cartridge needs replacing. Make sure you take the right one for the faucet you have.
Another problem, very common as well, is that your shower faucet is leaking. In the water leaking case, the first thing to do is to identify where the leaking is coming from. It can be from the handle, from the base of it that is attached to the wall, or can be in the pipes that the faucet is connected to the wall. The leaking inside the wall can be very tricky and the best is to get professional help in order to prevent other damage. In any of those cases means that probably a part is loose and the water is leaking. So before you start doing anything check when the leaking happens. Is it leaking all the time? So probably the damage is inside the faucet. Or is it all the time leaking, with more water coming out when you turn the faucet on? The damage is in the cartridge, which needs replacing. Or is it just when you turn the tap on? In the last case probably the handle is just loose, with all you need to do is tighten them up. If you call a professional, first thing he will do he will open and most possible he will change the cartridge. Want to try yourself? It’s pretty easy. Get the right Allen wrench, and unscrew the handle from the base. Remove the parts from the middle of the faucet and then unscrew the screws that are holding the base attached to the wall. By using pliers remove the clip that holds the cartridge in place, and take the cartridge out. Get an identical one and reassemble the faucet. The problem should have been fixed. If you are having troubles and you can’t fix the leaking by yourself, feel free to contact us and we would be happy to help you.
Shower faucet plumbing replacement:
Are you remodelling your bathroom? Or the old faucet you had can’t be fixed and you are looking for a new one? No matter what are your plans, replacing a faucet is a pretty easy task that shouldn’t take you more than fifteen minutes of your time. An important thing to know before you uninstall the old one – buy a similar one. And I am not talking about style, but characteristics. You can find a faucet with smaller bases for the fitting in the wall, so you don’t want to have a small hole in the toilet wall, do you? Unless you’re going to hide something in there. So once you have the new one open it and have a look at the instructions. It may differ from the one you already have. Also important is that when you replace the faucet, replace also the smaller parts of it, like rings. So before you start make sure you cut off the water supply. Pick up an Allen wrench and unscrew the Allen screw, in the bottom of the faucet. After unscrewing it remove the screws which the faucet base is holding on the wall by unscrewing reverse-clockwise. Take off the cartridge by lifting the clip by using a pair of pliers, that is holding on the top of the valve. Once you have read the instructions, start assembling the new one. Be careful however with the small parts. You don’t want to drop them behind the wall. Is not that will be not easy to get them back, but will you remember which one was it and how is called? Put the new cartridge back in the fit, and screw it in the place with the cover. Good thing to do is to use some Teflon tape where the pipe is connected, to minimize the possible future leaks. Attach the new base in the wall and screw it tight. Screw the new handle or handles back on. Turn on the water supply and give it a test drive. That’s it, job done!
Shower plumbing diverter replacement:
Do you have a diverter in your shower? The diverter can be easily broken and doesn’t work properly. If you are the taking a bath type, is not the thing that really bothers you, but when you have a shower this thing really annoys you. How to identify that needs fixing? Well when you use the diverter, the diverter doesn’t stay in place, so you can’t really use the shower, or when the diverter is on the water from the tap is still running, leaving you taking a shower with very low water pressure. So in both of the cases, the best thing to do is to replace it. However, it is nothing to worry about, since you can very easily fix it by yourself. Using your bare hands unscrew by twisting reverse-clockwise the top of the diverter. Now for the bottom part, you might need a special tool (a pair of pliers might do the trick) to unscrew the main part of the diverter from the bottom, where the sprout is. Once you have the bottom part of the diverter unscrewed, it should come straight out. There are various types of shower faucet sprouts, so you should have a look before buying a new one so it fit. Place the parts together of the new diverter and screw it in the bottom of the sprout. The new diverter sometimes contains a small tool, which makes the screwing of the new diverter a game for kids. Screw the top of the new diverter, on pointy part on the top of the sprout. Have a look if it works. If it doesn’t work that means you have not placed the parts of the new diverter as you should, which technically you shouldn’t be able to screw it on the facet sprout in the first place.
Plumbing shower leak repair:
Having problems with leaks in the shower? You better have it sort it out as soon as possible. It may cause you other problems you are willing to face. Leaving a leaking shower for a while it may cause damage to the tiles and the wall in your bathroom, which financial will not make you happy at all. Well, if the leaking is caused in the showerhead, that means that something is loose or is blocking the water flow in the head. If you like to take shower while having the shower head in your hands, it means it has started to loosen, so all you have to do is tighten it up. If that is not the case, you should be able without using a tool to unscrew the head. Hard water can make your showerhead blocked. Put it in a bowl of vinegar overnight and the next day, rinse it and put it back on. If the head is still leaking you need to replace it.
If this is not the case, but the leaking is in the faucet, then is more serious and you need to fix quickly. However, before you call a professional, remove the faucet to see if the leaking is in the pipes inside the wall. By using an Allen wrench, you can unscrew it from the bottom of the handle. Once you removed it take of the small parts that are keeping it in place. After removing the base, you can have a better look inside. If it is the case you better call a professional, if it is not the issue here, you can do it yourself. Check for any rust around the connections. If it is rusty, try to remove the rust by scrubbing with a metal sponge. If there is no rust and everything looks just fine, then you need to replace the cartridge inside. Make sure you have an ideal one for your faucet because not all cartridges are the same. Reassemble the faucet back together, and should be no water leaks. If you are still having a problem with leaks in your shower, contact us and we will happy to help you.
Bathtub shower plumbing repairs:
What can go wrong in a bathtub? The surface can get destroyed. If it gets destroyed is nothing you can do apart from changing it, of course. But if something slipped from your hands and your bathtub has gotten chipped? Do you need to change as well? Do you think: Oh, dear. What now? Or you just ignore it for the time being? If you are tenant and the time to move out comes, your landlord will be definitely not happy about it and he will change you an unpleasant amount of money. But the good question is here: can you fix it on your own?
The answer is: Yes, you can. And very easy. All you need is epoxy putty superfine. Make sure you clean the area properly, before doing anything. Once the area is clean, cover with tape around the hole, so you can focus on the damaged area. Apply on the damaged area carefully, with enough to fill up that hole. Make sure you use a spatula or a straight thin knife to remove excess epoxy putty. Remove then the tape and straighten the epoxy putty so the surface will be at the same level as the bathtub. You need to leave it to dry overnight so it will harden up.
Once hardened, you use water-dry sandpaper to make the area where the epoxy putty was applied, smooth. Then follow with wet sandpaper and scrub it softly. It is a good idea to use porcelain touch up paint and leave it dry for a few more hours. Scrub it once again with wet sandpaper. All done. The chip is fixed. You need to have a close look to see that was that place damaged in the past because is not possible for the colours to match. Well, at least it doesn’t seem like has been damaged, does it? If you are having more issues with your bathtub, contact us and we will glad to assist you.
Shower plumbing repair cost:
The cost is one of the main things that bother people these days. Good price and quality are two things that are really important. We can give you both. The cost for repair can be different, depending on how damaged the shower is. For more information about prices, please contact us and we will give the best solution in the right price.
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