Shower clogged? The cause and the solution!

Shower clogged:

Do you wanna have a shower but you have your shower clogged? Having your shower clogged is not a good way to start your day. Even after a hard day at work, you will be not able to clean yourself because it got clogged. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with your shower, so you may need to get yourself informed.

shower clogged

It doesn’t matter if it is your drains that are clogged or your shower head, it is always better to have a small knowledge on your shower. In this way, you will be able to know what is wrong with your shower and get it fixed effectively. Keep reading and you will find a full list of what can go wrong with your shower and how to have it fixed by yourself. Of course, if you are not able to do it, you can always contact us. We are going to be happy to help you.

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A clogged shower drain:

The main problem that can go wrong in your shower is the drains. On an everyday basis grease and dirt from your body together with hair are going down the drains. They will slowly build up in the pipes and get your shower clogged. With that taking place, you will notice that the water will be not getting drained as fast as before. With slower water draining rate and ignoring the fact that your shower drain is getting clogged, it will end up getting clogged completely. Therefore, getting your shower drain unclogged it may be an easy task to a challenging one. Depending on how bad is clogged, you may end up not able to do it so you will need professional help to do it for you.

What causes a clogged shower drain:

So, your shower drain is clogged and you have been wondering what has probably caused it. You are thinking to yourself that you didn’t pour anything special in there to cause your shower clogged. There can be different cases of what is the main reason for your clogged shower. Each one may need a different way of having it fixed. The most common ways to get your shower clogged are:

  • From hair.
  • From vomit.
  • From mineral deposits.
  • From oatmeal.
  • From grout.

Keep reading and you will find out how each one can cause a problem to your drains in your shower.

Clogged shower drain from hair:

The common reason to have your shower clogged is from hair. After every time when you will take a shower, hair that will come off your body will go down the drains. The hair combined with grease from your body and soap will get stuck in the pipes. If they do not go all the way through the water will chill and they will get stuck in there. Unfortunately, this not something that you can stop from going down the drains. Unless you are brushing your hair and throwing them in the shower. In order to avoid that from happening the holes have a special metal cover which will hold most of them. In this way, you are able to remove them easily and not let them go further. You need to keep in mind that getting your shower clogged with hair, it will be not an easy task. This is because the hair is not able to get dissolved easily. Therefore, in order to unclog your shower, you are going to pull them out.

Shower clogged with vomit:

Did you had a rough night drinking or just felt ill and caused you throwing up? The first available place you found to do that was your shower and you vomited in there. You feel discussed from what came out of your stomach, so you are rinsing it properly and getting it to the drains. When you are going to do that, having your shower clogged shouldn’t be a surprise for you. The vomit that you have thrown up will most likely get stuck and will cause your shower clogged. Also, if you do have water backup issues, you may get that back in your shower. So, next time when you are about to throw up, think of using the toilet. There is only a tiny chance of getting it clogged compared to your shower.

Shower drain clogged with mineral deposits:

How can your shower get clogged with mineral deposits? If you are going to think it through, something like that may be quite simple to happen. When you are taking a shower, the water combined with soap is going to get down the drains. Eventually, the soap will get solidified and it will cause the drains to get clogged. If the water you have at home is hard, it will quicken the process. Luckily for you, unclogging the shower drain from mineral deposits will be not a hard challenge. All you have to do is pouring vinegar down the drains and the minerals will come off from the area where have been gathered.

Shower drain clogged with oatmeal:

Getting your shower clogged with oatmeal is not something that can happen to everyone. Under normal circumstances, you will throw the food in the bins or in the garbage disposal. However, throwing oatmeal in the garbage disposal, it can cause a serious clogging issue to your drains. This is happening because the oatmeal is a very strong liquid absorber and has sticky nature. It will get stuck in the walls of your pipes and will cause your drain to get clogged. Therefore, getting your shower clogged with oatmeal means that the problem is much deeper in the pipes than you anticipated. Also, you may be facing clogging problems in the rest sinks in your house, especially your kitchen sink.

Shower clogged grout:

Are you a builder and you filled up with grout after work? The first thing you are looking for when you get back home is to take a shower. However, all this grout will go down the drains and will eventually get your drains clogged. The grout is very heavy and when entering the drains is most likely to get stuck in the bottom. With this taking place, it may cause a very serious clogging issue and even permanent damage. You may even need to have your pipes replaced after many years of grout being poured down the drains. In order to avoid that from happening, you need to use plenty of water when taking a shower. In this way, they will get further in the pipes and probably to the sewers.

Shower always clogged:

Having your shower often clogged can be really annoying. When you have finally unclogged it, after a short time the problem shows up again. If you do experience your shower clogged, you may need to have a look at what you are pouring down the drains. If you are brushing your hair or you experience a hair loss, this may be the cause. You need to minimize that from happening as much as possible. However, the main reason for your shower to get clogged is that the pipes are too narrow. With that taking place, whatever is going down the drains and possibly cause you a problem will get stuck. Unfortunately, this is not something that you can undo because you are going to replace the pipes which may not make you happy in a financial way. Therefore, the best thing you can do is place a special trap on the top of the hole so you are going to minimize whatever is going down the drains.

Shower suddenly clogged:

Was the water in your shower getting drained properly and suddenly it stopped? If you did pour the drains something solid that would explain the problem. You probably have done it without having good knowledge on what can possibly cause afterwards. Therefore, the most common way to get your shower clogged is by vomiting in there. By doing that, it can cause an instant clogging problem with your shower. If this is not the issue here, then your shower was already clogged and you haven’t noticed it. The water was draining slower than normal and because of that, you ignored the fact that is possible clogged. With that taking place for a while, it will cause you a serious clogging problem which may be quite harder to deal with.

Shower clogged and smells:

Is your shower clogged and at the same time you are getting strong odours? When your shower is clogged, it is normal that disposals from you are going to start smelling at some point. However, it can not always smell it due to the venting in your draining system. Therefore, when you will be getting strong odours from your shower means that water may be backing up. With that taking place you may need to have a look at your air vent for your drains. If your air vent is clogged, you will notice also that bubbles will be coming out from the hole. When this is happening, you need to get on the room to unclog your air vent.

Shower clogged standing water:

When your shower is going to get seriously clogged, you are going to end up having standing water in it. The drains are going to be seriously clogged and the water will have nowhere to go. This is something that you can not leave ignored and needs fixing straight away. However, getting in the pipes in your shower will be not an easy task and you cause leaking from underneath. Therefore, you need to try using a plunger in order to unclog your shower. By unclogging your shower in this way doesn’t mean that the problem has been fixed completely. There may be still something left inside there that will cause you again a clogging problem. In order to avoid that, pour a couple of pints of hot water down the drains, so whatever was there causing the clogging problem will go down the sewers.

Clogged shower fix:

Having your shower clogged is something that needs to be fixed at some point. The clogging issue will not go away by itself unless you are going to make it move away. In order to have your clogged shower fixed, you may need to put some effort into it. If you identify the problem soon it may just take a few minutes to have it unclogged. However, if you do not and you let it ignored, it will just make it worse. It may take you a while to unclog it and even not being able to do it. If you are not able to do it, all that is going be left for you to do is calling for professional help. At least at this point, you will know that the shower will be unclogged and the water will be able to get drained properly.

Clogged shower drain natural remedy:

Have you decided on trying to fix the shower by yourself? Then you are going to need the right tools to do that. You may be already having then at home lying around and you do not know how effective they can be for your shower. If you do not have them, you may be looking for some stronger chemicals, which they may be effective. However, it is always better to try to fix it in a natural way in order to avoid some possible side effects of using them. The most common natural remedies in order to unclog your shower are:

  • Using baking soda and vinegar.
  • Using a plunger.
  • Using a snake.

Keep reading to find out how you are going to be able to use them effectively.

Clogged shower drain baking soda and vinegar:

Do you know how effective is the baking soda and vinegar for your shower? If you do not, you may wanna try using them out. What you need to do is pour down the drains from the hole in your shower around two tablespoons of baking soda. Then pour around half a pint of vinegar in there slowly and make sure you do not inhale. The combination of those two is going to make a chemical reaction which will force whatever is on the walls built up to come off. In order to get a full effect of this method, it is the best to leave it overnight before pouring water down the drains. What you need to do the next morning is boil around two pints of water and pour it down the drains in your shower. The clogging problem with your shower should have been fixed. However, you need to keep in mind that this method will have no effect if you have standing water in your shower. Also, when the clog is made of a massive hairball it is possible that will not be able to dissolve it. Well, giving a try on sorting something out is always better than not acting, isn’t it?

Shower drain clogged plunger:

Have you tried on using a plunger in order to unclog your shower drains? Depending on the situation, this method may be effective with the problem you are having. In order to get full use of the plunger, it is better to have standing water in the shower. A plunger is working with pressure, so you can apply it best when is already water in there. Otherwise, your effort is going to be quite pointless and you will just end up wasting your time. What you need to do is cover the hole with the plunger and push it down. Pull it then up and do the same thing 3-4 times in order to move the clogging problem from its position. By doing that, the main clogging issue should have been fixed. However, you need to pour some hot water after when you will have the drains unclogged. In this way, you will be able to clean them better and delay a new clogging problem.

Clogged shower drain chemicals:

Are you thinking of unclogging your shower in an easy way by pouring some strong chemicals down the drains? In most of the shops, you will be able to find available special chemicals that are effective in unclogging your drains. However, you may get disappointed after using them with the result that you are going to get. This is because there is no guaranty that your problem is that simple that will get fixed by itself. Also, you need to keep in mind that using strong chemicals can be very harmful to your health and your shower. For that reason, you need to make sure that you will read the instructions properly before using them. Also, in order to avoid possible skin rushes when using chemicals, you need to make sure that you are using gloves.

Clogged shower liquid plumber didn’t work:

So, you did try using a liquid plumber for your clogged shower without an effect. Well, is this case there can be two different options:

  • By not reading properly the instructions you haven’t used the right amount to unclog your shower. Therefore, it is normal that the liquid plumber you used was not going to have any effect.
  • The clogging problem is much deeper in the pipes and the liquid plumber had no effect. When this is happening, you need to put a snake deep in the pipes to unclog your shower. Otherwise, you need to get professional help to do it for you.

Clean a clogged shower drain:

The best and most effective way to have your shower unclogged is by cleaning the drain. By doing it properly, you need to use a snake for this job. What you need to do is put the snake in the pipes and pull out whatever is in there causing you clogging problems. However, getting access to the pipes you need to remove the metal cover in the bottom of the shower. You may need to use a screwdriver to remove the screw placed in the centre and lift it off. When you are going to use a snake you need to be also very careful. Using the snake with very hard movements it may dislocate the pipe underneath the hole. When this one is going to happen you will be having leaking problems from that area.

Shower clogged after snaking:

So, you did try using a snake in order to unclog your shower drains with no effect.  The clogging issue insists and you have not a clue what you can do to fix it. In this case, it means that the problem lies deeper inside the pipes is out of your reach. When this is going to take place, you are going to be left out of options. You are going to need professional help to help you with your clogging problem. In this way, you will be able to explain what the situation is so the plumber is going to be able to have it fixed for you fast and effectively.

Shower trap clogged:

in order to avoid serious problems with your drains, the hole in your shower is equipped with a special trap. This trap is specially designed in order to gather the hair that is coming off from your body. By doing that they will be collected on the top so you can remove them easily and throw them in the bins. When the trap is quite filled up with hair you will notice that the water is draining slower. When this will happen, all you have to do is take them off and throw them away. Rinse that part with hot water and check if the water is draining back to normal. If it is not, it means that the hair has passed the trap and went deeper inside your shower drains.

Shower faucet clogged:

Is your faucet in your shower clogged and you are not able to take a shower? There can be a few different things wrong with your faucet in your shower so it is going to ruin you refreshing time. The most common causes for your faucet to be clogged with are:

  • You faucet diverter is clogged. With the diverter clogged you will notice a small leaking. What you need to do in order to have it fixed is trying to take it off. You can easily unscrew the head of the diverter by bare hands by unscrewing it reverse-clockwise. Once this one is done, you can clean it through if is filled with limescale. If everything looks fine, you are going to need to replace the diverter.
  • Your faucet’s head is clogged. With your faucet head clogged you will notice that the water flow will be decreased. What you need to do is remove it and clean it properly. In order for you to do that you need to use a pair of pliers. Once you will have it unscrewed you need to clean the holes properly. In the end, screw it back on and the water flow should be back to normal.

Clogged shower drain no hot water:

Are you trying to take a shower and you have no hot water? The water boiler is working normally and everywhere else in your house you have hot water? Unless you wanna be a penguin and take a shower with freezing cold water, you better have a look at your shower’s cartridge. Having your shower’s cartridge broken is the most common reason to have no hot water in your shower. What you need to do is having it replaced. Below you will find out how to do it fast and easy, so you are going to have hot water in your shower once again.

Clogged shower cartridge:

Just like mentioned earlier, having no hot water in your shower is a problem with your cartridge. You need to have it replaced so you can take a shower with hot water once again. In order to do that you need to use a screwdriver and remove the screw in the bottom of the handle. Once done that, remove the screws that are holding the base of the handle on the wall. After that, you can see the cartridge in there. Carefully remove the clippers that are holding the cartridge in place and pull it off. You need to buy a new cartridge identical with the previous one, so it will be able to fit in there properly. In the end, do the same process in a reverse way, so you will have all the pieces fitted back on. Your shower should have hot water running once again.

Clogged shower leak:

Have you noticed a leaking in your slogged shower? By having a leaking in your shower you are going to be having problems after every time when you are using it. There are a few different areas that can be possibly leaking in your shower. The most common are:

  • The shower head is leaking. With your shower head leaking, you will not be able to get the right amount of water you want to take a shower. Also, you will notice it dripping after every time when you will be using it.
  • The faucet is leaking. In this case, your diverter may be broken and needs to be fixed.
  • The drains are leaking. With your drains leaking you will notice water on the floor. It may be not an easy task for you to do it since it is not easy to get access there. Also, the pipes need to get properly isolated in order to have the leaking stopped.

Clogged shower drain old pipes:

One of the main problems that can be caused in your shower when you have old pipes is leaking. This is something that you cannot have ignored and needs to be fixed as soon as possible. You need to keep in mind that having this problem fixed will be only temporary. You may put new isolation on them, so you will be thinking that the problem has been sorted. However, after a short time, you will be experiencing the same problem once again. Therefore, using a snake in old pipes is not recommended. The movements and the pulling will easily dislocate them, having the same problem once again.

Clogged shower drain replacement:

Are you experiencing problems quite often with your drains in your shower? Then, perhaps it is about time to have them replaced. It may not sound to you very friendly in a financial way but there is one thing for sure. It will be quite a while until you will have to go through all that again. You will have not to worry about leaking or clogging issues with your drains. However, you are going to need to hire a professional for this job. Even if you have a small idea with the drains it will be not easy for you to do it. You are going to need to remove the bathtub and probably damage the tiles. Therefore, if you are planning to make a renovation in your bathroom, replacing the drains with new ones is going to be a perfect option for you.

Clogged shower drain upstairs:

Is your shower clogged upstairs but on the ground floor everything looks fine? When this is happening, that means that there is not a big issue for you to worry about. However, it doesn’t mean that you are going to have it ignored and not get it fixed. When this is happening, you may not need much effort to have it unclogged. This is because the clogged area in your shower drains is very close to the hole. Therefore, you may not even need to use a snake to do that. Unless of course, you will notice bubbles coming out from the hole in your shower. In this case, the problem is in the roof from the air vent.

Rain shower clogged:

Is it possible to have your shower clogged after it rained heavily? Yes, t is possible to be experiencing clogging issues after it rained. The common clogging issues are coming from the air vent on your house’s roof. When this will happen you will notice a slower water drain and possible bubbles coming out from the hole. Leaves and other rubbish have gone inside there and are blocking the air supply for your pipes. With this taking place, you will be experiencing clogging problems not just in your shower, but in your whole house. Therefore, you need to have it sorted as soon as possible, otherwise you may end up having a mess after every time you will be using a tap.

Shower vent clogged:

So, you have identified that the vent in your shower is clogged. The problem is lying inside the pipe on the roof of your house. Therefore, to have it unclogged you need to get there up there. This is going to be quite hard for you to do if you are not happy with heights. What needs to be done in order to unclog it is put a snake inside the hole and move the leaves and the rubbish out. However, your snake is possible to be not long enough in order to reach them and do the job properly. Depending on how tall your house is and how deep the clogging is located, you are required to use a snake of a similar length. Also, you cannot push the leaves deeper inside, because it will just worsen the situation. You need to pull them out carefully, so the vent will be properly cleared and your water will be drained as normal.

Blogged shower and sink:

Are your shower and sink clogged in your bathroom at the same time? Unless you had them clogged individually and ignored, you may be facing a clogging issue that is deeper than you expect. In order to have it unclogged effectively, you need to use a snake. It would be better to use it from the sink’s side since you can get easier access. You will be able to easier disconnect the pipes and put a snake long enough in there. If nothing is coming out, you may need to seek professional help. They will be able to have it fixed effectively for you, so you will be able to use the shower and the sink without a problem.

Blocked shower and toilet:

Do you have your shower and toilet clogged at the same time? Before you end up in fast conclusions, you need to have a look at the rest sinks in your house. The drain from your toilet and your bathroom is deeper connected. This is done in order to avoid water backing up from your toilet in your shower. If that would happen, it would have been dangerous for your health. Therefore, if you checked the rest sinks and they are working just fine, that means that the clogging problem is individual. Otherwise, the clogging problem is deeper inside the pipes and will be not easy for you to reach that area.

Clogged shower kitchen sink:

If you have your shower and your kitchen sink clogged at the same time it can be annoying. Therefore, you need to have it fixed as soon as possible. However, the shower’s drain and the kitchen’s sink are separated. If you are not experiencing other clogging issues in your bathroom, that means that the clogging problems in both of them are separate. With this taking place, you are required to deal with both of them individually. In this case, the good news for you is going to be that you will probably not need much effort to have them fixed. The clogged area may be just under the holes in both cases. So, what are you still waiting for with your clogging problems?

Shower basement clogged:

Having your shower clogged can cause you problems in your basement. You may be experiencing leaking and wet walls in there. Because the air ventilation is not good in your basement, you may wanna have it sorted as soon as possible. What needs to be done with your clogged shower is removing whatever is inside the pipes and is causing you clogging problems. Once this is done, you need to have the pipes properly isolated once again. With this taking place, you will not have to worry about any further damage in your basement.

Shower head clogged limescale:

The most common cause for your shower head to be clogged is because of the limescale. The limescale is caused because of the hardness in water. The water that stayed in the shower head after taking a shower is going to create the limescale. With that happening, you will notice the water coming out from your shower head slower than normal. The pressure will be not as used to be and you will get annoyed with that happening. Therefore, you need it to have it fixed soon, so you will be able to take a normal shower once again. So, before going to the shop and buy a new shower head, you may wanna try to have it fixed by yourself. Further, you will be able to find out how to do that easy.

Cleaning a clogged shower head:

In order to have your shower head working back normal, you need to have it cleaned properly. You are going to need to remove the limescale that has been gathered on your shower head and is causing you a clogging issue. In order to do it properly, you need to disconnect the arm from the head, so you will be able to reach on the area inside it. Depending on what type of shower head you have, you may need to use a different method for doing that. The most common ways of removing the shower head from the arm are:

  • The shower head is holding in the centre. If you notice a screw holding in the middle of the shower head, you need to use a screwdriver. You need to remove the screw and pull the head out.
  • The shower head is clipped. In order to remove the shower head, you need to disconnect it. You need to use a thin knife and enter it right under the shower’s head. Try to disconnect it gently and all the way around at the same time. In this way, you will be able to avoid possible damage to it.

Once this has been done, you can move to the clearing process.

Clogged shower head home remedy:

What can you use in your house to help you with cleaning your shower head? Removing the limescale can be really hard if you do not have the right tools. However, you can have it fixed very easily with not much effort and not using any chemicals. The best thing to do once you have disconnected your shower head is putting the head in a bowl with a little bit of water. Fill the rest with vinegar so it will get fully covered. However, do not expect an instant repair with your clogged shower head. It would be best to leave it overnight to soak well. The vinegar will react on the limescale and remove it completely from it. Just make sure you rinse it very well with clean water before reconnecting it. Otherwise, the problem may show again sooner than you expected and at the same time, you will get the vinegar and the limescale on you when you will take a shower.

Clogged shower weep holes:

To fully clean your shower head, you need to have the weep holes cleared. Once they will get clogged you will be not able to take a normal shower. However, this is not something that should make you worried. After you have soaked the shower head overnight and removed as much limescale as possible, you can clear the hole that the water is coming out. In order to do that, you can use a small needle. With the needle being used, you will be able to clear the holes effectively and the water will be able to come out normal as from a brand new one.

Clogged Kohler shower head:

Having a Kohler shower is a different experience when taking a shower. However, it doesn’t mean that will be very hard to have it unclogged when the water flow will be lower. The only difference is that the Kohler shower head is held from more than one screw which they are placed on the outer are of it. So, in order to have it unclogged and cleaned it properly, you are going to remove them all, so the bottom part will be able to come off.

Electric shower clogged limescale:

Is your electric shower clogged with limescale? If your electric shower head is clogged, this is not something that should worry you. You can easily unclog it with no fear of an electric shock from happening. Just make sure that will cut off the power supply to the electric shower and you will be able to have it unclogged like a normal head. However, if you are experiencing problems with your electric shower box, this is something that you are not allowed to touch. Also for a plumber to come and fix it for you, he needs to carry a part P certificate with him.

Clogged shower plumber:

Have you ended up that you are not able to fix your clogged shower by yourself? Well, not every clogging problem in your shower is easy to fix. There may be needed more effort to be put on it and have the right tools. When it will come to that, you will need to seek professional assistance. A plumber will be able to come to your place on your request and have it fixed for you. With this happening, you will not have to worry that you will possibly break something else or not having it done properly. You shower will be able to drain once again as good as new and you will be able to once again enjoy taking a nice shower.

Shower drain clogged Youtube:

It is a different experience when you are reading something and when you see something in action. If you are curious to see how your shower can be unclogged effectively, you can have a look in the Youtube. Amateurs and professionals are recording their experiences with their clogged showers, so others who have no idea can see them. With this happening, you will be able to see step by step what needs to be done in order to get your shower unclogged.

Was this article helpful with the problem you are having in your shower? If you still have questions regarding your clogged shower, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you and give you the best solutions for this matter.

Call: 06-24356980